Creative Arts Center Kidz Krew presents Sherlock Holmes story

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March 24, 2011 - The Kidz Krew Performing Arts program will present Sherlock Holmes and the Grimm Imbroglio on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, March 31 - April 2. All performances are at the Windom Performing Arts Center (the old Windom School) at 7 p.m. The story centers on the famous literary detective Sherlock Holmes and his sidekick Dr. Watson, with a few Grimm brothers' characters along for the ride.

The play, an original work by Kidz Krew director Lisa Avila, is designed to entertain both children and adults, and is a fund-raising effort for the Creative Arts Center Performing Arts program. All money earned goes directly back to Kidz Krew for projects like this one.

Tickets are on sale at the Creative Arts Center and the cost is $6 for adults and $3 for children age 12 and under. Lap babies are admitted for free. For more information about the program, tickets and sponsorships, call 903-640-2196.