Grammar joined "Sea of Red" in Austin for legislative day

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March 10, 2011 - Last week Melanie Grammar, Club President of the Fannin County Republican Women, traveled to Austin to join approximately 900 women from across the state for a Legislative Day sponsored by the Texas Federation of Republican Women. Clad in "Republican Red' clothing, Grammar represented the Fannin County Republican Women at this biennial event.

Grammar took this opportunity to visit the offices of Senator Bob Deuell and Representative Larry Phillips. Texas Republican women have been especially vocal in support of Voter Photo ID measures, and have urged lawmakers to promote border security and support fair and reasonable re-districting.

"We are pleased to see our state moving to protect the integrity of our elections with a good voter photo ID law this year." said Grammar.

Grammar attended floor sessions of the Texas House, informational workshops and a luncheon with Lt. Governor David Dewhurst and other elected Republican officials. Along with the other participants, the ladies created a "Sea of Red" in the galleries and halls of our state Capitol, leaving no doubts about the strength of this group.

"It was amazing, everywhere you looked, there were ladies in red. It was very encouraging to see so many like-minded women" stated Grammar.

The Fannin County Republican Women club is devoted to promoting an informed electorate, electing solidly Republican candidates, and working to impact local, state and national politics. In addition the club provides scholarships to youth of Fannin County, and through an active Literacy Project promote reading throughout the county. For more information on the clubs monthly meeting, events and activities, contact Melanie Grammar 903-364-5387