"Get Hooked... Read a Book" bookmark contest

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Feb. 3, 2011 - The "Get Hooked... Read a Book" Bookmark Contest will begin in February, with deadline for entries on Thursday, April 7. Entries will be available at the Bonham Public Library or through the schools in Fannin County. The contest is open to seventh and eighth grade students who attend a Fannin County school or are home-schooled in the county.

The Literary Awareness Bookmark Contest is sponsored by the Fannin County Republican Women, PAC. This is a free, incentive-based program. The first place winner will receive $100 and the second place winner will receive $50. There will be honorable mentions recognized from each school or those representing the home school community. The contest encourages students to research the theme or topic to create an imaginative picture or icon for their bookmark entry. The entries must be original. The goal is to get students "hooked" or interested in reading books. It is a fact that children or adults that have a passion for a subject, author or series read more frequently and are better students.

On Saturday, May 7, winners of the contest - along with teachers, family and friends - will be honored at a "Get HookedRead a Book" autograph party at the Creative Arts Center in Bonham. The tremendous success of the first four contests touched the lives of hundreds of Fannin County students. The winning bookmark is reproduced and given out at libraries and community activities to promote reading.

The sponsoring group is proud to announce that The Barbara Bush Bookmark Contest of Fannin County has been recognized on a national level by the Federation of Republican Women Literacy Programs.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 17 March 2011 09:38 )