School board extends contracts, calls election

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Feb. 24, 2011 - With the highest enrollment for Leonard ISD standing at 912 students, the school board convened on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at 6 p.m. in a short but very beneficial meeting. After executive session a motion was made to extend the contracts of Brad Maxwell as Leonard elementary principal, Brandi Savage as intermediate principal, Heather Sumrow as junior high principal, Brad Connelly as high school principal and Shane Fletcher as athletic director for the school district until June 2013.

The trustees also passed a motion to call for a school board election to be held on Saturday, May 14 in the Leonard City Hall. Early voting dates will be May 2 through May 10 also at City Hall. The seats on the board up for election are the seats of Bill Watson and Harold "Buster" Sudderth who have both filled out the necessary application and turned it in to be placed on the ballot. Other interested parties who would like to serve on the board can pick up the applications at the Leonard ISD Administration office and need to have the application turned back in by March 14 at 5 p.m.

Other business included nominating The Leonard Graphic, Ava Barlow and Betsy Blevins for the TASB Media Honor Roll. The board moved to accept the Racial Profiling Report as printed and compiled by Jerome Edwards and voted to pay the bills for January. Each board member was presented with a plaque showing appreciation for their service to Leonard ISD as well as balloons and treats from some of the campuses in honor of January being school board recognition month.